Rocketman Redesign

Rocketman is a platform used to direct and navigate users through the use of busses, trains and other public transit. Through the course of 4 months, I participated in the project of redesigning the application to improve user interaction and enhance accessibility.

During the 4 months of working on this project, I worked as a UX/UI designer and researcher, studying the needs of the user and creating functions within the app that would cater to their needs.

Role, Scope and Constraints

Role: UX/UI Designer, Researcher
Team: 2 Members
Constraints: iOS Mobile Application
Timeline: 4 Months


Using a popular transit application, identify its issues in regards to ease of usability. From this information, redesign the application to address user pain points and improve overall user experience.

Identifying the Problems

Through user interviews and testing, my team and I were able to identify the 4 major problems in the original Rocketman design which included:
• Bus stops are not clearly indicated within the map
•The arrival times and minutes to get to a destination are not clear
• Too much information on what commute to take, making it unclear for the user
• Application does not inform the user when their bus is coming

The Research

Using personas, empathy maps and journey maps, my team and I were able to map out the users journey and identify their pain points.
Major Pain Points: finding correct bus route, staying on track, struggles with tech and features of the application, and struggles to plan her commute efficiently.
Major Pain Points: accessing information when needed, inaccurate times of arrival and changes in timing, and navigating the public transit system as he does not use it often.

The Design

Using the pain points we identified, we created a low fidelity wireframe to outline the pages of the application we would be redesigning. These pages included the route page, alerts, saved routes, notifications and directions. After the low fidelity wireframe, we created the final prototype, improving user experience.


Here is the final prototype created using Figma that addresses the pain points by notifying users of when their bus is arriving, allowing them to save, read and navigate the transit application easily and notifying users of when a bus is at full capacity to comply with COVID protocols.